Dorg Van Dango
Between June 2018 and October 2019, I worked at Cartoon Saloon as a Jr. Storyboard Artist / Sr. Storyboard Revisionist, helping bring the 1st season of Dorg Van Dango to television screens!
On this project, I have 4 storyboard artist credits, as well as revisionist credits on nearly 50 episodes. The show is airing on Nickelodeon worldwide and RTÉ in Ireland.
Ep 135 - Lock Cut
The locked cut version of Ep 135. I boarded the 2nd half of this episode, and presented above is the locked storyboard with all revisions.
Revisions were created by myself and 3 other members of the Revisions team. However, all shots are maintained from my original board and revisions were mainly for specific actions and reducing the time of the episode.
Ep 135 - Clean Pass
The clean pass version of Ep 135. I boarded the 2nd half of this episode, stepping in after a co-worker suffered a hand injury. Timing was roughed, but was refined by the editing team later.
All work is owned by Cartoon Saloon, Wild Brain, and Nickelodeon. These boards were created in April 2019.